Absolut Wodka Blue Label 0,7 l
In 1879 the Swedish entrepreneur Lars Olssonn Smith fractional distillation / rectification of alcohol. This effeziente solution to separate the alcohol from undesired side substances caused an increased quality compared to stills. He named his drink “Absolut Renat Brännvin” (absolutely pure brandy). The brand absolutely was born. Early 20th century, the production of alcohol in Sweden was adopted by the Government. In 2008 the company was sold by the Swedish Government at Pernod Ricard.
Alcohol: 40%
To date, the bottle shape of the Absolut brand is known. You should remember a pharmacy bottle.
We are at yes rather the whiskey and RUM specialists. We have the Absolut Vodka Blue Label taken into the program because it is a truly harmonious vodka, which is ideal for mixing.
Absolut Wodka Blue Label eignet sich hervorragen für folgende Getränke bzw. Cocktails:
Hersteller: The Absolut Company AB 117 97 Stockholm, Schweden,
Vertrieb Deutschland: Pernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH, Habsburgring 2, 50674 Köln
Vertreib Österreich: Pernod Ricard Austria GmbH, 1210 Vienna
Genieße Absolut Wodka Blue Label 0,7l Flasche verantwortungsvoll und in Maßen. Nicht der Rausch, sondern der Genuss macht das Getränk aus.
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